My name is Dani. I am a mechanical engineer, product designer and espresso lover and I am really glad that I have found this amazing source of knowledge and you guys - you are really doing exceptional work.
Since I am not so familiar with all the electrical stuff and micro controllers, this platform is a great value for me and
anyone who wants to explore new things with espresso machines.
I want to create my own espresso machine - in its core, not to be a new espresso machine, but to fit my needs
in our family kitchen. We have two cabinet areas in wall which are not so deep to fit a regular EM.
Its only 35cm and 30cm deep. So I was thinking to create an under-counter EM, where the brew-head is on the top,
the boilers, water tank etc. is located underneath the counter. Maybe this is of value for some of you, if you have
similar ideas, or maybe somebody already did it and can share some lessons learned on the process.
Here is a 3D CAD visualization of this one kitchen wall, with integrated cabinets and the idea of the EM in one of them.
In best case it would also be the place for the grinder etc. Like an independent EM functional area. Could also be,
the EM in one area, the grinder in the right one...

Basically I could take "any" EM, disassemble it, re-route the piping and stuff and get it done. Since I have discovered
this site and the Smart Coffee Hardware/Software, I can not stop thinking, if this could be made much much nicer,
more functional, more luxury, so to say... the display is a great feature, but can it a different one, bigger, with color... somebody mentioned "a touch display", also some tracking of profiles... This would be really great!
The display can be part of the EM itself, or place individually above... If I stick to the E61, I wanted it somehow
to look "more" up to date, so I was playing with different ideas of a "cover"... Something like this:

Or even more simple, like the left visualization:

Ideally, the EM group head and the grinder would look the same, it is a nice to have, at its best it will be like an all in solution. Lets see... Here is a detail picture...

I will investigate more. Would really love to here your feedback.
I am also offering my 3D capabilities and knowledge to help you out if I can...f.e. creating maybe more pleasing
enclosure for the display or some other stuff... I don't know, challenge me. I will reach out to @shematix and see
if I could be of some help... :-)
If you are interested into this project, let me know, I I will keep posting in this post.
Thanks for sharing your idea Dani. You might be interested in Modbar which is a commercially available underbench espresso machine. https://modbar.com/.
My only concern with your 3D renderings is related to the last image with copper pipes to the group head traveling down to what I assume would be the cabinet below. If the boiler is placed below or a distance from the group head, you're going to introduce all sorts of issues related to temperature and water circulation to preheat the e61 group. Ideally, all the pipes between the boiler/pump/group head should be as short as possible.